Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy what you read and find strength here.

"The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto him in his own way. While it might not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundred fold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude."

Monday, December 27, 2010

My Trip to Utah!!

My recent trip to Utah over Thanksgiving Break was everything I hoped for and more! Although it was packed with exciting and fun events, it started out with a scare at the airport! There was bad weather coming into Utah, and the pilots weren't sure if we would be able to make it all the way through. Since I was flying alone, you can imagine I was quite scared! The plane ride turned out to be the longest plane ride of my life! A constant headache and people who wouldn't seem to stop talking in the seat next to me, did not do much to make the plane ride comfortable! I made it from Nashville to St. Louis and almost missed my flight to Denver! After an hour and a half lay-over in Denver, the plane finally started its flight toward Utah. When I finally arrived to Utah you can imagine how relieved I was to finally be off the plane; I had been in the airport or on a plane from 2 P.M. to 11 P.M!! BUT It was all worth it the moment I saw Kristi running towards me in the airport!!! After waiting to get my bags, we finally made our way to Kristi's apartment where Kristi, her two roommates, and I had our first sleepover! We all piled our mattresses on the floor and laughed 'till nearly 3 in the morning! The next morning Kristi had me wake up at 7 for a hair appointment she had made...I was not pleased- haha. Needless to say, the trip was everything I hoped for and more! It was exactly what i needed after the stresses of school and dance! My trip was jam-packed with friends and family, some I wasn't even aware i had, 2 hour long bus rides, 15 BELOW ZERO weather, hours and hours of laughter, and embarassing moments at the creamery! Haha, I created memories I surely will never forget! The trip was made even more wonderful because I got to spend my 16th birthday with Kristi, who is my sister and best friend! It was surely a birthday I will never forget! I loved everything about Utah, and at some points, although very rare, I didn't even mind the blistering weather! :) I can't wait to go back, and I look forward to hopefully going there for college someday, in my distant but very near future! :)


  1. Brrr! Utah is cold, but it sounds like you had a great time anyway. :)

    Happy birthday, Tori! :D

  2. These are great pictures!!! It looks like you had a lot of fun. I'm sorry I didn't get to visit while Kristi was here, the holidays are like that sometimes. Ugh. -Sis Fitz

  3. We just got back from Utah, and it was wonderful!I love all the snow.

  4. Hmmm...Sister Bickmore, you never know. ;) But then again..you're always right, so you probably do.
