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"The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto him in his own way. While it might not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundred fold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Beautiful Thought, a Testimony of Truth

Have you ever found yourself in deep thought when suddenly things just make sense? When something that comes into your mind seems so real, and so beautiful, and yet so unexpected that you couldn't have possibly thought of it yourself? Perhaps there is nothing more beautiful than this moment. Some may justify and say it was our own mind coming up with the answer; that we knew the answer all along; that it was just a coincidence. My experience tells me otherwise. This beautiful thought was truly a testimony of truth from my Heavenly Father. I was sitting in class today feeling particularly sad. My heart was especially hurting, and I began to wonder why i was feeling like this again. I started to wonder why i felt this pain- why did i have to lose someone I learned to trust more than myself, why had I lost someone that I had grown to love so deeply? Why did i feel insignificant, like there was something I could have done, and why did i feel so flawed? Why must things in life just end and not work out? I wished that everything in life could just be good and beautiful and happy. In the midst of my heartache, I felt something wash over me, a feeling I cannot properly put into words. I felt peace, i felt reassurance, I felt loved, and I felt joy. This, I thought, must be the kind of joy my Heavenly Father has in store for me. And then, if only for a moment, i had the feeling of joy for my future; that one day I would meet someone who would love me more than I could ever hope. I felt the excitement of marrying in the temple and having a family. I knew at that moment that what i was feeling had to be my Heavenly Father telling me that all is well,and that my future holds great promise. I simply could not credit this joy I was feeling to anyone but my Savior. I know that one day the pain in my heart will ease, and that I will be able to love with a love that I didn't even think possible. One day I will feel significant, and i will feel good enough; I will feel as if I'm truly doing my mission here on Earth. I will feel this way because of the atonement. Not only did our Savior and Redeemer suffer for our sins, he suffered for our sorrows, our heartaches, our regrets, and our troubles. Through his atonement we can find joy again; we can look up with strength and gladness in our hearts. For his grace is truly sufficient. This afternoon i received a letter. As I opened it, I saw the simple words, "Tori, no one else can do what you do." As i read these words, i felt the spirit testify to me of the truth of these words. How significant and important each one of us is to our Heavenly Father is simply beautiful. He loves us, He needs us, and He wants us to return to Him more than anything. While we will face troubled times, there is not a tear that we will cry that our Savior will not dry. For He truly knows our sorrows. Look to our Heavenly Father, smile, and have faith in the future. "He hath made everything beautiful in his time." Ecclesiastes 3:11. The Lord will make everything right. We will come to a time in our lives when we will experience such perfect joy. A joy greater than any heartache we have or ever will experience. Be patient with yourself; allow the Savior to walk with you. He will ease your burdens, he will make easy your load. Our Heavenly Father trusts us; we must trust ourselves. The Lord asks of us, "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not. Behold the wounds which pierce my side and also the prints of the nails in my hands and feet. Be faithful." The Lord is waiting for us. When we keep an eternal perspective, things don't seem to matter much. What matters is that we do the best we can to keep our covenants and return back to him. "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart." Psalms 27:14. Our Heavenly Father is here. He comforts us when saddened, He faithfully remains in times of change, and he dries all the tears that we may cry. What a beautiful time it will be when we can stand by our Savior and testify that "through thorny ways leads to a joyful end."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this Tor. I love you more than you know!

    Dad <3 you!
